Mental Capacity Act Online Training Course
We offer an online mental capacity & deprivation of liberty safeguards course that is an ideal training platform for care home staff, nurses, healthcare assistants, domiciliary carers, or anyone who is required to hold mental capacity act certification.
Our mental capacity online training programme is conducted using video based instruction, where each video can be paused or rewound to gain a better understanding of the course content and structure and on successful completion of training you will be able to print your mental capacity act certification.
The aim of this course is to promote an understanding of what constitutes mental capacity, promote understanding of the provisions of the mental capacity act and promote awareness of how the mental capacity act relates to other legislation. For additional information regarding the online mental capacity act course and DOL’s training that we have available please see our Mental Capacity Act Training page.
Additional Courses Available
We have many additional online training courses available, which are either CPD certified or approved by RoSPA.
To register and start training, click your required image below to be taken to the simple registration page for the course, or click the text link to be taken to the course page for additional information.